Thursday Jun 13, 2024

Contemplating Death and Impermanence Today

In this episode, August Childs, a Death Doula and Conscious Dying Coach, shares his transformative journey from addiction to purpose, rooted in the contemplation of impermanence and death. August's profound insights and compassionate guidance offer a beacon of hope for those navigating the complexities of addiction, recovery, and existential contemplation.

August's journey begins with his own struggles with substance abuse and contemplation of suicide, which led him to embark on a profound exploration of spirituality and the meaning of life. Through intensive work, community support, and a spiritual practice, August found his way out of addiction and into a life of purpose.

As a Death Doula, August emphasizes the importance of holding space for others in times of grief and loss, rooted in his own experiences confronting death firsthand. He highlights the transformative power of sitting with difficult emotions and beliefs, allowing for profound insights and shifts in perspective.

Listeners are invited to contemplate impermanence and death, recognizing their role in fostering a deeper appreciation for life and more meaningful connections with others. August's journey underscores the profound peace and clarity that can be found through reflection on one's relationship with death and the cultivation of gratitude for the present moment.

Through empathy and compassion, August guides listeners towards a deeper understanding of life's impermanence, offering profound insights into the journey towards purpose and peace amidst the inevitability of death.



  • Recovery from addiction requires intensive work, community support, and a spiritual practice.
  • Becoming a death doula involves holding space for others in times of grief and loss.
  • Holding space for someone means being present, listening, and acknowledging their emotions without trying to fix or provide answers.
  • Contemplating impermanence and death can lead to a greater appreciation for life and more meaningful connections with others.
  • Recovery and sobriety can lead to a deeper appreciation for the beauty and miracles in everyday life.
  • Sitting with difficult emotions and beliefs allows for insights and shifts in thinking.
  • Contemplating death can help cultivate gratitude and a deeper appreciation for the present moment.
  • Reflecting on one's relationship with death and exploring end-of-life preparations can bring a sense of peace and clarity.
  • Being present and showing up with intention can have a profound impact on how we make others feel.



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